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An Adaptive and Dynamic Simulation Framework for Incremental, Collaborative Classifier Fusion

Gernot Bahle; Andreas Poxrucker; George Kampis; Paul Lukowicz
In: Digital Transformation and Global Society. International Conference Digital Transformation and Global Society (DTGS-2016), June 21-23, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, Pages 600-609, Springer International Publishing, 2016.


To investigate incremental collaborative classifier fusion techniques, we have developed a comprehensive simulation framework. It is highly flexible and customizable, and can be adapted to various settings and scenarios. The toolbox is realized as an extension to the NetLogo multi-agent based simulation environment using its comprehensive Java- API. The toolbox has been integrated in two di↵erent environments, one for demonstration purposes and another, modeled on persons using re- alistic motion data from Zurich, who are communicating in an ad hoc fashion using mobile devices

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