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Seamless Integration of Reconfigurable Hardware into the Robotic Development Process

Moritz Schilling
In: Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation. ESA/Estec Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA-2017), June 20-22, Leiden, Netherlands, ESA, 2017.


Modern robotic development frameworks have agreed upon the model-based, component-centric software development approach. Composing robotic control software has become an easier and less error-prone task. While there is a model for the software architecture and fairly recently a model for the kinematic structure of robotic systems, models for other aspects are missing. This paper will focus on the model of heterogeneous computational resources and their interconnection within a robot and outline how tools make use of the models to generate code skeletons in different languages, find compatible implementations of algorithms given a specific target and to map a network of software to a network of hardware components.
