High-Throughput Large Volume SEM Workflow using Sparse Scanning and In-painting Algorithms Inspired by Compressive Sensing
Faysal Boughorbel; Pavel Potocek; Milos Hovorka; Libor Strakos; John Mitchels; Tomas Vystavel; Patrick Trampert; Ben Lich; Tim Dahmen
In: Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 23, No. S1, Pages 150-151, Cambridge University Press, 7/2017.
We are presenting a new extension to our Cell and Tissue/Neurobiology large volume imaging
workflow, with the goal of increasing acquisition speed by more than five times. Instead of scanning
dense square-grid frames, in the conventional way, our approach is here to explore the use of sparse
scanning and inpainting techniques inspired by Compressive Sensing (CS).