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SProUT - a General-Purpose NLP Framework Integrating Finite-State and Unification-based Grammar Formalisms

Witold Drozdzynski; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Jakub Piskorski; Ulrich Schäfer
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing. International Workshop on Finite State Methods in Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP-2005), September 1-2, Helsinki, Finland, Pages 302-303, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), No. 4002, ISBN 978-3-540-35469-7, Springer - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Berlin/Heidelberg, 9/2005.


In these days, we are witnessing a growing trend of exploiting lightweight linguistic analysis for converting of the vast amount of raw textual data into structured knowledge. Although a considerable number of monolingual and task-oriented NLP systems have been presented, relatively few general-purpose architectures exist, e.g., GATE [1] or ELLOGON [2].


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