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A Magnetic Climbing Robot for Marine Inspection Services

Kristin Fondahl; Markus Eich; Johannes Wollenberg; Frank Kirchner
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries. International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT-2012), April 16-18, Líege, Belgium, 4/2012.


Currently, the inspection of sea-going vessels is performed manually. Ship surveyors do a visual inspection; in some cases they also use cameras and non-destructive testing methods. Prior to a ship surveying process a lot of scaffolding has to be provided in order to make every spot accessible for the surveyor. In this work a robotic system is presented, which is able to access many areas of a cargo hold of a ship and perform visual inspection without any scaffolding. The paper also describes how the position of the acquired data is estimated with an optical 3D tracking unit and how critical points on the hull can be marked via a remote controlled marker device. Furthermore first results of onboard tests with the system are provided.
