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Hannah Stein, M.Sc.

Organizational unit Smart Service Engineering
Contact +49 681 85775 5270 (Saarbrücken)

Address (Saarbrücken)


All publications
  1. QUASIM: Quantum Computing Enhanced Service Ecosystem for Simulation in Manufacturing

    Wolfgang Maaß; Ankit Agrawal; Alessandro Ciani; Sven Danz; Alejandro Delgadillo; Philipp Ganser; Pascal Kienast; Marco Kulig; Valentina König; Nil Rodellas-Gràcia; Rivan Rughubar; Stefan Schröder; Marc Stautner; Hannah Stein; Tobias Stollenwerk; Daniel Zeuch; Frank K. Wilhelm

    In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence - Organ des Fachbereiches "Künstliche Intelligenz" der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (KI), Vol. 38, Pages 1-10, Springer, 10/2024.



    Energy-Efficient Large-Scale Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Data Centers

    Growth of data centers and their capacities is central to economies as digital transformation needs computing power. But processing data and training large AI models generates tons of CO2 and consumes…


    QC-Enhanced Service Ecosystem for Simulation in Manufacturing

    Quantum computing (QC) is a technology developing rapidly in research, but has also raised initial expectations in industrial applications. The manufacturing industry is one of the central German…


    Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    The objective of EVAREST is the development and utilization of data products as economic goods in the ecosystem of food production based on an open, technical data platform, which is designed beyond…

  • F-Predict

    Development of a forecasting model regarding fertilizer prizes

    The project F-Predict is dedicated to creating a prediction model which can predict fertilizer prices. The experiences in financial forecasting which were gained in the project smart farming are used.…

  • SqUISH

    Situational Dialogue Interaction in Smart Homes

    Objective of the project “Situational DialogUe Interaction in Smart Homes (SqUISH)” is to establish a better understanding of daily routines and usage situations by residents of potential smart homes…

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