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Project News

  1. Intelligent Fusion of Intralogistics and Production in the Factory of the Future – BaSynaos Research Project Launched

    In the context of increasing automation, digitalization, and globalization of their production conditions, industrial companies face the challenge of …

  2. KI-Campus visualisation. There is a laptop showing a presentation on the KI-Campus website. On the right side of the screen is a picture of Prof. Krüger. He is smiling.

    DFKI publishes online course "Human-Machine Interaction" on KI-Campus

    The German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence has published their first online course on KI-Campus, the learning platform for artificial …

  3. [Translate to English:] Illustration

    Innovative learning environment for psychomotor skills – Project MILKI-PSY

    A scientific presentation on YouTube, TED Talks, digital lectures and seminars – learning even abstract knowledge and complex issues no longer …

  4. Robotic teams for the moon: DFKI kicks off EU project for the exploration of lava tubes by cooperating autonomous rovers

    Water, protection, stable temperatures: When it comes to finding suitable areas for long-term lunar missions, the lava tubes on the moon are of great …

  5. EU-funded project uses artificial intelligence to optimize the environmental perception of underwater robots

    Whether in murky waters, cramped ship tanks or caves with little light – poor visibility conditions have a huge impact on the environmental perception …

  6. The 5th ELRC Conference: Europe needs multilingualism

    On 10 March, people from all across Europe (and beyond) got together for the Fifth ELRC Conference. Organized by DFKI’s Data & Resources Group at MLT …

  7. Digitalisierung in der Bekleidungsindustrie – Forschungsprojekt AdjUST gestartet

    Unternehmen der Textilbranche stehen im Zuge der Digitalisierung und Globalisierung vor der Herausforderung, ihre Prozesse zu professionalisieren. Da …

  8. Cyber-Physical Systems participates in EU project on personalized care for chronic lung conditions

    How can chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and comorbidities be better understood? How can people with complex chronic conditions receive …

  9. New joint project TRIPLE-MoDo – Bre­men con­sor­tium de­vel­ops in­nov­at­ive dock­ing sys­tem for un­der­wa­ter ro­bots

    How can in­ac­cess­ible places on the Earth, such as the deep sea, as well as those on other plan­ets be in­vest­ig­ated? Ex­treme goals present …

  10. Sandro Botticelli, Webiliches Idealbildnis Simonetta Vespucci als Nymphe, ca. 1480,

    Durch die Sammlung mit einem Chatbot?

    Sie stehen vor einem Werk im Museum. Dazu schießen Ihnen Fragen in den Kopf. Sie tippen sie in Ihr Handy – eine Künstliche Intelligenz gibt direkt die …