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Project News

  1. Detecting anomalies and errors in the production process at an early stage – AIQUAMA research project launched.

    Anomalies and defects in the production process cause high costs and have a negative impact on sustainability and productivity. If it is possible to …

  2. Smart living study published: From gadgets to integrated service offerings

    As part of the "ForeSight" project, DFKI interviewed companies that could play a role in a smart living ecosystem. Among them were companies from the …

  3. Yield Consortium: Agriculture and remote sensing from space

    The Yield consortium uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to reliably predict agricultural yields. In collaboration with BASF Digital …

  4. RISC-V: DFKI präsentiert Plattform zur frühzeitigen Softwareentwicklung für die Chips der Zukunft

    Quelloffene Hardware-Architekturen wie RISC-V bieten eine unabhängige und kostengünstige Alternative zu den großen Chip-Herstellern. Um die vielen …

  5. Illustration: KI und Leadership

    KI und Leadership – Neuer Kurs auf dem KI-Campus

    Der neue Kurs „KI und Leadership“ will Teilnehmende für das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz im Führungskontext begeistern. Der Kurs ist einer von fünf …

  6. Evalitech - Illustration

    KI macht wissenschaftliche Exzellenz einfacher messbar und unterstützt die Kandidatenauswahl in Forschung und Lehre im Industrie 4.0-Umfeld

    Im Projekt Evalitech untersuchten das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und …

  7. First Industry symposium as a milestone towards CORE IML

    The DFKI research department Interactive Machine Learning, (IML), and the department of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) at the University of …

  8. QUASIM presented at the Days of Digital Technologies (TDDT)

    From August 29 - 30, 2022, the DFKI research department Smart Service Engineering (SSE) and its project partners Fraunhofer IPT and ModuleWorks …

  9. DFKI moves into former coal washing plant at Museum Industriekultur Osnabrück to work on AI demonstrators close to citizens

    The research department "Smart Enterprise Engineering" of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Lower Saxony and the Museum …

  10. Saving heating demand through AI: SECAI project receives award from "Edge data economy" technology program

    Making sustainability digital - this is the guiding theme of this year's Days of Digital Technologies (TddT) from August 29th to 30th, 2022, at the …