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  1. RZZKI_SL-RLP-2 - Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    Future centers (KI); support of small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the exemplary and participatory testing of new technologies, such …

  2. RZzKI - Regional Future Center for AI and Digital Transformation Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate

    RZzKI is developing a holistic approach to implementing digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises. A key focus is on the design and …

  3. Hybr-iT - Hybrid and Intelligent Human-Robot Collaboration - Hybrid Teams in Versatile, Cyber-Physical Production Environments

    Aim of this project is the establishment and industrial testing of hybrid teams. These consist of humans, robots, software-based assistance systems as …

  4. Power4Production - Zentrum für innovative Produktionstechnologien

    Aus technischen Gründen steht die Homepage des Zentrums für innovative Produktionstechnologien „Power4Production“ kurzfristig nicht zur Verfügung.


    I …

  5. SmartF-IT - Cyber-physical IT systems to master complexness of a new generation of multi-adaptive factories

    SmartF-IT research project: Software tools for multi-adaptive cyber-physical production systems

    For the factory of the future technologies are …

  6. RES-COM - Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    Die effiziente Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Energie, Luft, Wasser und wertvoller Rohstoffe wird zukünftig vor allem softwaregesteuert und …

  7. SemProM - Semantic Product Memory

    The project Semantic Product Memory (SemProM) aims at introducing a digital product memory for everyday items. In this context a mobile dual-arm robot …

  8. Förderprogramm THESEUS_CTC_IUI - Förderprogramm Theseus Core Technology Cluster

    Das Förderprogramm THESEUS leistet einen Beitrag für eine neue internetbasierte Wissensinfrastruktur, in der das Wissen im Internet künftig besser …

  9. SmartWeb - Mobile Broadband Access to the Semantic Web

    Recent progress in mobile broadband communication and semantic web technology is enabling innovative internet services that provide advanced …

  10. VirtualHuman - Anthropomorphic Interaction Agents

    The aim of this corporate project is to achieve by means of a close cooperation of Germany's leading research groups in the area of computational …

  11. COMIC - COnversational Multimodal Interaction with Computers

    It is widely believed that future automatic services will come with interfaces that support conversational interaction. The interaction with devices …

  12. SmartKom - Multimodal Communication with a Life-like Character

    What Is SmartKom?

    There is a growing need for more intuitive and efficient interfaces to computing

    devices ? especially for users with limited technical …