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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 112.
  1. SC_Gomaa – TeachTAM: Machine Teaching with Hybrid Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning; The Apprenticeship Model

    SC_Gomaa – TeachTAM: Machine Teaching with Hybrid Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning; The Apprenticeship Model

    Recent advances in Machine learning (specifically Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning) allowed robots to understand objects and the surrounding …

  2. FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    Partners Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus der Hochschule Koblenz (Konsortialführer), der Universität Trier, der Hochschule Trier mit dem …

  3. KIBA – Al-assisted motion analysis and therapy

    KIBA – Al-assisted motion analysis and therapy

    The aim of the project "Al-assisted motion analysis and therapy (KIBA)" is to establish a research infrastructure for AI-based motion analysis and …

  4. R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    "Entferne schädliches Unkraut auf dem Feld, aber setze keine chemischen Mittel in der Nähe eines Gewässers ein!" Bei der Durchführung …

  5. IICoSeP – Increasing Industrial Communication Security by Physical Layer Security

    IICoSeP – Increasing Industrial Communication Security by Physical Layer Security

    The project "Increasing Industrial Communication Security by Physical Layer Security" (IICoSeP) aims to improve the security, integrity and …

  6. VidGenSense – Methods for Generating Synthetic Wearable And Ubiquitous Sensor Training Data

    VidGenSense – Methods for Generating Synthetic Wearable And Ubiquitous Sensor Training Data

    As wearable sensors have become more and more ubiquitous one would expect human activity recognition (HAR) systems to increasingly move out of the lab …

  7. smartMILC – smart Multisensor Integration for Livestock Care

    smartMILC – smart Multisensor Integration for Livestock Care

    Im Projekt smartMILC wird das Konzept eines „digitalen Stalls“ zur Unterstützung von landwirtschaftlichen Prozessen und Services mit besonderem …

  8. CognitiveWeeding – selective management of harmful and non-harmful weeds using artificial intelligence

    CognitiveWeeding – selective management of harmful and non-harmful weeds using artificial intelligence

    The spontaneous vegetation that accompanies arable farming (generally referred to as (un)harmful weeds) can lead to major yield losses if not …

  9. M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    The current developments in digitalization, AI-based data processing, and powerful hardware lay the groundwork for future embodied AI assistants. …

  10. Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    The project "Open6GHub" develops a 6G vision for sovereign citizens in a hyper-connected world from 2030. The aim of the Open6GHub is to provide …