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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 15.
  1. NEARBY – Noise and variability-free BCI systems for out-of-the-lab use

    NEARBY – Noise and variability-free BCI systems for out-of-the-lab use

    Brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs for short, offer a promising possibility for human-machine interaction based on brain signals, especially as an …

  2. FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    FedWell – Life-Long Federated User and Mental Modeling for Health and Well-being

    Adaptive and personalized AI systems in healthcare and well-being rely on information about users and usage situations to provide the best possible …

  3. ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    ToCaro – Experiencing together - sharing emotions

    Social interaction is one of the essential factors that determine personal quality of life, which is also shown by the spread of social media. But the …

  4. RZZKI_SL-RLP-2 – Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    RZZKI_SL-RLP-2 – Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    Future centers (KI); support of small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the exemplary and participatory testing of new technologies, such …

  5. PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    Comprehensive and accurate documentation is essential for needs-based care. In many places, the systems and processes used today for care …

  6. Ophthalmo-AI – Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

    Ophthalmo-AI – Intelligent, Cooperative Medical Decision Support in Ophthalmology

    The goal of Ophthalmo-AI is to develop better diagnostic and therapeutic decision support in ophthalmology through effective collaboration of machine …

  7. KI@Home – Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

    KI@Home – Prädiktion von adverse events mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz und Ambient Assisted Living-Systemen in der Häuslichkeit von pflegebedürftigen Personen

    The goal is to develop a risk assessment module for a smart home platform with a focus on "smart ageing". A collection of sensors is installed in the …

  8. EXPECT – Exploring the Potential of Pervasive Embedded Brain Reading in Human Robot Collaborations

    EXPECT – Exploring the Potential of Pervasive Embedded Brain Reading in Human Robot Collaborations

    The main goal of the EXPECT project is the development of an adaptive, self-learning platform for human-robot collaboration that not only enables …

  9. IoTAssist – Development of an end-user platform for assistance services with interoperable IoT devices and wearable sensors

    IoTAssist – Development of an end-user platform for assistance services with interoperable IoT devices and wearable sensors

    The main goal of the IoTAssist project is to develop a platform that enables interoperability between devices and services in the IoT and wearable …

  10. BISON – Brain-Computer-Interface-basierte Interaktionskonzepte zur Steuerung von Operationsmikroskopen in der Neurochirurgie

    BISON – Brain-Computer-Interface-basierte Interaktionskonzepte zur Steuerung von Operationsmikroskopen in der Neurochirurgie

    Die Neurochirurgie als medizinisches Fachgebiet beschäftigt sich mit der operativen Behandlung von Schädigungen und Erkrankungen am zentralen und …