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Displaying results 761 to 770 of 1079.


    TARDIS aims to build a scenario-based serious-game simulation platform for young people at risk of exclusion, aged 18-25, to explore, practice and …

  2. RESCAR (2.0) – Robust design of new electronic components for applications in the field of electromobility

    RESCAR (2.0) – Robust design of new electronic components for applications in the field of electromobility

    Whether in the powertrain, in central control units or in body and convenience electronics – there is a constant increase in the proportion of …

  3. SIMPLE – Semantically Founded Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines

    SIMPLE – Semantically Founded Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines

    For many serious diseases, clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) providing detailed advice on diagnostics and treatment are today being made available …

  4. COMMODTIY12 – COntinuous Multi-parametric and Multi-layered analysis Of DIabetes TYpe 1 & 2

    COMMODTIY12 – COntinuous Multi-parametric and Multi-layered analysis Of DIabetes TYpe 1 & 2

    In COMMODITY12 we will build a multi-layered multi-parametric infrastructure for continuous monitoring of diabetes type 1 and 2. The COMMODITY12 …

  5. PMC 2768 – PMC Regionale Projektleitstelle 2011ff

    PMC 2768 – PMC Regionale Projektleitstelle 2011ff

    In July 2009 eight model regions were established in the context of the “funding program model regions electric mobility”. The aim of the funding …

  6. PeerEnergyCloud – Cloud Enabled Smart Energy Micro Grids

    PeerEnergyCloud – Cloud Enabled Smart Energy Micro Grids

    An increasing number of private households are becoming producers of renewable energy. As a significant technical and financial outlay is required in …

  7. VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    The information gap between virtual product and manufacturing engineering and the physical start of production is a fundamental problem for European …

  8. RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    Die effiziente Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Energie, Luft, Wasser und wertvoller Rohstoffe wird zukünftig vor allem softwaregesteuert und …

  9. ProtoTo – Durchgängige Entwicklung von Sicherheitsprotokollen

    ProtoTo – Durchgängige Entwicklung von Sicherheitsprotokollen

    In the academic area there are numerous approaches to the formal analysis of security protocols. Computer-supported approaches are all based on the …

  10. SemoPad – Semantischer mobiler Zugriff auf Persönliche Wissensräume auf dem iPad

    SemoPad – Semantischer mobiler Zugriff auf Persönliche Wissensräume auf dem iPad

    SemoPad investigates technical and user-friendly design issues for bringing the Semantic Desktop paradigm to mobile scenarios. SemoPad focusses on …