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Eingebettete Intelligenz


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  1. RIG - Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, nationales Verbundprojekt der Robotik-Forschung in Deutschland, unter Koordination der TU München

    Das Robotics Institute Germany ist eine Initiative des Bundesministeriums…

  2. SustainML_SDS - Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    The framework will be made available on the AI4EU platform and disseminated through close collaboration with initiatives such as the ICT 48 networks. It will also be directly exploited by the…

  3. SustainML_EI - Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    This project is based on the insight that in order to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of ML applications power-aware applications must be as easy to develop as standard ML systems are today.…

  4. VidGenSense - Methods for Generating Synthetic Wearable And Ubiquitous Sensor Training Data

    As wearable sensors have become more and more ubiquitous one would expect human activity recognition (HAR) systems to increasingly move out of the lab into long term, real life scenarios. While the…

  5. Open6GHub - 6G für Mensch, Umwelt und Gesellschaft

    Das Projekt „Open6GHub“ entwickelt eine 6G Vision für souveräne Bürgerinnen und Bürger in einer hochvernetzten Welt ab 2030. Ziel des “Open6GHub” ist es, im europäischen Kontext Beiträge zu einem…

Nach oben


Shannon Kittrell, B.A.
Tel.: +49 631 20575 4010

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Forschungsbereich Eingebettete Intelligenz
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern