Global-Local Feature Fusion for Image Classification of Flood Affected Roads from Social Multimedia
Benjamin Bischke; Patrick Helber; Andreas Dengel
In: Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2018. MediaEval Benchmark (MediaEval), MediaEval, 2018.
This paper presents the solution of the DFKI-team for the Multimedia Satellite Task 2018 at MediaEval. We address the challenge
of social multimedia classification with respect to road passability
during flooding events. Information about road passability is an
important aspect within the context of emergency response and is
not well studied in the past. In this paper, we primarily investigate
in the visual classification based on global, local and global-local
fused image features. We show that local features of objects can
be efficiently used for road passability classification and achieve
similarly good results with local features as with global features.
When we fused global and local visual features, we did not achieve
a significant outperformance against global features alone but see
a lot of potential for future research in this direction.