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European Platform for the Multilingual Digital Single Market: Conceptual Proposal

Andrejs Vasiljevs; Jan Hajic; Jochen Hummel; Josef van Genabith; Rihards Kalniņ¨
In: Human Language Technologies The Baltic Perspective: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Baltic HLT 2016. Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective (Baltic HLT-2016), October 6-7, Riga, Latvia, Pages 20-27, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 289, ISBN 978-1-61499-700-9 (print) | 978-1-61499-701-6 (online), IOS Press, 10/2016.


This paper proposes a large scale initiative for the creation of the European Platform of online multilingual services to cover the multilingual needs of the Digital Single Market. We describe the three layers of the Platform: a solutions layer, an infrastructure layer, and a research layer. The infrastructure layer will combine mature language technologies in four clouds: Automated Translation Cloud, Human-Computer Interaction Cloud, Multilingual Knowledge Management Cloud, and European Language Cloud, encompassing basic services and language resources. We identify the key gaps and recommend targeted research activities to provide equal technology coverage for all EU languages.