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Sample-Efficient Policy Search with a Trajectory Autoencoder

Alexander Fabisch; Frank Kirchner
In: Proceedings of the 4th Robot Learning Workshop: Self-Supervised and Lifelong Learning. Robot Learning Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-2021), December 14, virtuell, n.n. 12/2021.


We introduce a trajectory generator that can be used to perform sample-efficient policy search with Bayesian optimization (BO). BO is a sample-efficient approach to direct policy search that usually does not scale well with the number of parameters. Our trajectory generator is able to map a compact representation of trajectories to a high-dimensional trajectory space so that BO can search in the low-dimensional space. The trajectory generator will be trained as part of a variational autoencoder on demonstrations from an expert. The trajectory generator contains a trajectory layer, which is a new building block for neural networks that enforces smoothness on generated trajectories. We evaluate our approach with grasping on a real robot.


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