Unsupervised Anomaly Detection from Time-of-Flight Depth Images
Pascal Schneider; Jason Raphael Rambach; Bruno Mirbach; Didier Stricker
In: CVPR Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum. CVPR Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS-2022), located at International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 19-20, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2022.
Video anomaly detection (VAD) addresses the problem of automatically finding anomalous events in video data. The primary data modalities on which current VAD systems work on are monochrome or RGB images. Using depth data in this context instead is still hardly explored in spite of depth images being a popular choice in many other computer vision research areas and the increasing availability of inexpensive depth camera hardware. We evaluate the application of existing autoencoder-based methods on depth video and propose how the advantages of using depth data can be leveraged by integration into the loss function. Training is done unsupervised using normal sequences without need for any additional annotations. We show that depth allows easy extraction of auxiliary information for scene analysis in the form of a foreground mask and demonstrate its beneficial effect on the anomaly detection performance through evaluation on a large public dataset, for which we are also the first ones to present results on.