ELG National Competence Centres and Events
Katrin Marheinecke; Annika Grützner-Zahn; Georg Rehm
In: Georg Rehm (Hrsg.). European Language Grid: A Language Technology Platform for Multilingual Europe. Pages 205-217, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-031-17257-1, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 1/2023.
The National Competence Centres (NCCs) in ELG are an international network of 32 regional and national networks, lead by one regional/national representative. The 32 NCCs play a crucial role in ELG, they support the project by bringing in their corresponding regional and national perspective and stakeholders, organising ELG workshops and functioning as regional/national representatives. The chapter explains why, despite a considerable coordination effort, it was worth putting this network together. One important task carried out by the NCCs was to conduct regional/ national dissemination events and to participate in relevant regional/national events and also in the annual META-FORUM conferences, organised by ELG.