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Language Technology Companies, Research Organisations and Projects

Georg Rehm; Katrin Marheinecke; Rémi Calizzano; Penny Labropoulou
In: Georg Rehm (Hrsg.). European Language Grid: A Language Technology Platform for Multilingual Europe. Pages 171-185, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-031-17257-1, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 1/2023.


The European Language Grid is meant to develop into the primary platform of the European Language Technology community. In addition to LT tools and services (Chapter 7) and Language Resources (Chapter 8), ELG represents the actual members of this community, i. e., the companies and research organisations that develop language technologies and that are engaged in related activities. The goal of becoming the primary platform for LT in Europe implies that ELG should ideally represent all European companies and all European research organisations with corresponding metadata records in the ELG catalogue, which are interlinked with the respective LT tools and services as well as language resources they offer. This chapter describes the European stakeholders and user groups that are relevant for the ELG initiative, the composition of the community and the locations of the companies and research groups as currently listed in ELG. Furthermore, we describe a number of technical and organisational challenges involved in the preparation of our list of stakeholders, and outline the process of catalogue population.
