Report on the key findings from the Theme Development Workshop “AI for Future Healthcare”
Kyra Kiefer; Janina Hoppstädter; Philipp Slusallek; et al.
Pages 1-28, 1/2022.
The third Joint Theme Development Workshop (TDW) co-organised by CLAIRE, TAILOR and VISION1 on “AI for Future Healthcare” took place on the 16th December 2021 with the aim to develop and identify the most promising and emerging AI topics in the healthcare sector. At this one-day workshop, experts from academia, industry and politics jointly developed initial input for the European Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and innovation roadmap. Inspired by introductory speeches and presentations from selected experts, the participants actively discussed a wide variety of topics during the breakout sessions and shared their main results in the subsequent plenary presentations. Furthermore, some initial ideas for follow-up activities and further collaborations have been identified.
This report contains a summary of the results from the Theme Development Workshop “AI for Future Healthcare”.
TAILOR - Netzwerk aus KI-Exzellenzzentren zur Erforschung der Grundlagen für eine vertrauenswürdige und zuverlässige Künstliche Intelligenz,
VISION - Stärkung, Vernetzung und Mobilisierung der europaweiten Community zur Erforschung, Entwicklung und dem Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz
VISION - Stärkung, Vernetzung und Mobilisierung der europaweiten Community zur Erforschung, Entwicklung und dem Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz