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Tractable Bayesian Dynamics Priors from Differentiable Physics for Learning and Control

Joe Watson; Benedikt Hahner; Boris Belousov; Jan Peters
In: 40th Anniversary of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40). IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2024), September 23-26, Rotterdam, Netherlands, IEEE, 2024.


Statistical model-based reinforcement learning methods should enable efficient data-driven policy optimization for robotic systems. However, the success of these approaches relies on how well the learned dynamics model generalizes outside of its training data distribution, which is difficult to ensure in practice with ‘black-box’ models unless inductive biases are incorporated. We demonstrate how a differentiable simulation model can be used to synthesize a tractable Gaussian process prior using the linearized Laplace approximation, a principled approximate inference technique for Gaussian pos- teriors. Using this statistical model as an inductive bias, we can perform exploration and decision-making in an informed way using posterior sampling, performing reinforcement learning for control, and active learning for system identification. In the case of simulation-to-reality mismatch, we empirically investi- gate how this physics-informed prior is best used, comparing architecture- and objective-based approaches.