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Multi-agent Interaction Structure for Enabling Subsidiary Planning and Control in Modular Production Systems

Simon Komesker; Jonathan Bartels; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski
In: Niklas Kiefl; Frederik Wulle; Clemens Ackermann; Daniel Holder (Hrsg.). Advances in Automotive Production Technology -- Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP), Cham, Pages 354-364, ISBN 978-3-031-27933-1, Springer International Publishing, 2023.


Modular production systems enable resilient production processes through decoupled production processes. On the way to implementing flexible and adaptable production systems, information support plays a decisive role. Only the use of intelligent and structured information processing across previous system boundaries and areas enables the coordination of requirements and capacities in dynamic production environments. The rigid communication structures in information systems of current production systems therefore need to be replaced by dynamic interaction, both horizontally between entities and vertically between different hierarchical levels. Multi-agent systems (MAS) are one way to meet the requirements for centralized and decentralized decision making in complex (cyber physical production) systems (CPPS). To prepare the instantiation of a MAS, it is necessary to structure and describe the information flows of a production system.


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