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Mymory: Enhancing a Semantic Wiki with Context Annotations

Malte Kiesel; Sven Schwarz; Ludger van Elst; Georg Buscher
In: S. Bechhofer; M. Hauswirth; J. Hoffmann; M. Koubarakis (Hrsg.). Proc. of 5th European Semantic Web Conference. European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC-2008), 5th; The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, June 1-5, Tenerife, Spain, Pages 817-821, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. Vol. 5021/2008, Springer, 6/2008.


For document-centric work, meta-information in form of an- notations has proven useful to enhance search and other retrieval tasks. The Mymory project1 uses a web-based workbench based on the semantic wiki Kaukolu that allows annotating texts both with concepts modeled in the user's personal information model and other ontologies in a exible way. Annotations get enriched with contextual information gathered by a context elicitation component. Reading annotations are created with the help of an eyetracker. In the demonstration, we use contextualized annotations and semantic search using annotations in order to support knowledge workers in the domain of software licenses.
