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Propagating Particles through Inhomogeneous Scalar Fields

Gerd Reis; Martin Bertram
In: J.J. Villanueva (Hrsg.). Conference Proceedings IASTED Visualization Imaging and Image Processing. IASTED International Conference on Visualization Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP-06), August 28-30, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Pages 96-102, ISBN 0-88986-598-1, ACTA Press, Calgary, 2006.


We present a numerical integration scheme for the propagation of particles/rays within continuous, inhomogeneous media, represented as discrete scalar fields. Our method aims at the calculation of energy distribution, where the initial energy is evenly distributed over a large number of particles, which are traced through the medium. While traversing the particles interact with the medium by means of absorption, reflection and refraction. To calculate these paths, we construct a numerical integration formula based on reflection and refraction laws given for rigid material boundaries. Numerical examples show that our method correctly traces particles/rays within e.g. curved optical fibers with a circular cross-section density.
