A Roadmap for the Development of a Generic B2B-Service Productivity Model
Michael Dücker; Silke Balzert-Walter; Matthias Bertram; Peter Fettke; Ralph Lichtner; Peter Loos; Thomas Kleinert; Wolfgang Knöll; Horst Kutsch; Harald von Korzfleisch; Gianfranco Walsh; Thomas Wildt
In: Walter Ganz; Florian Kicherer; Alexander Schletz (Hrsg.). RESER 2011 Productivity of Services Next Gen - Beyond Output/Input. European Association for Research on Services (RESER-2011), September 7-10, Hamburg, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8396-0298-0, Fraunhofer Verlag, 2011.
The business press and the economic literature have argued in recent years that more research should be directed at the services sector, espe-cially services between companies (business-to-business, B2B). Despite their economic relevance the markets for B2B-services still remain under-explored. The authors introduce the CustomB2B research project which aims to develop new approaches and models for measuring service pro-ductivity and present the underlying research design as a Roadmap. In this project we address challenges in researching customized B2B-services by using various methods of social research, design-oriented management theory and information systems research. Our objective is to establish a broader understanding of the tension between individualization and standardization of innovative B2B customization processes and in the end to develop a generic productivity measurement model for B2B-services.