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Structure from Motion using full spherical panoramic cameras

Alain Pagani; Didier Stricker
In: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras. Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras (OMNIVIS-2011), November 6-13, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE, 11/2011.


In this paper, we investigate the use of full spherical panoramic images for Structure from Motion (SFM) algorithms. We introduce several error models for solving the pose problem and the relative pose problem for central projection cameras, and study the effect of these models on the convergence in the algorithm’s optimization steps. We formulate our method using a spherical imaging model, that covers all central projection cameras, including catadioptric and dioptric systems, as well as the standard projective pinhole camera. We use this error formulation in a Structure from Motion pipeline with full spherical panoramic cameras.
