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The XML3D Architecture

Kristian Sons; Felix Klein; Jan Sutter; Philipp Slusallek
In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters. ACM Siggraph (Siggraph-2015), New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH '15, ACM, 2015.


Graphics hardware has become ubiquitous: Integrated into CPUs and into mobile devices and recently even embedded into cars. With the advent of WebGL, accelerated graphics is finally accessible from within the web browser. However, still the capabilities of GPUs are almost exclusively exploited by the video game industry, where experts produce specialized content for game engines. XML3D aims answering the question of how we could make 3D graphics available to a broader audience. The approach is to target web developers, making 3D application development as similar as possible to web application development. Unlike previous approaches such as VRML, XML3D takes the capabilities of modern graphics hardware into account, without tying it to a specific rendering algorithm. The novel concepts of XML3D, including its seamless integration into existing web technologies and its approaches for dynamic effects, programmable materials, and instancing of configurable assets are spread across various publications. The poster depicts the overall architecture of XML3D based on the mark-up of the scene above (which is actually included inside this webpage).

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