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Explanation-Aware Software Design of the Semantic Search Engine KOIOS

Björn Forcher; Thomas Roth-Berghofer; Michael Sintek; Andreas Dengel
In: Thomas Roth-Berghofer; Nava Tintarev; David B. Leake; Daniel Bahls (Hrsg.). Explanation-aware Computing ExaCt 2010, Proceedings of the 5th International ExaCt Workshop. International Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt-2010), 5th, located at ECAI 2010, August 16-20, Lissabon, Portugal, Pages 13-24, University of Lissabon, Portugal, 8/2010.


The provision of explanations in knowledge based systems has a long tradition in computer science. Regarding expert systems, several interesting contributions were proposed, but an overall method for explanation generation is missing. Furthermore, various approaches have never been realised or have never been followed up with respect to cur- rent technologies. Explanation-Aware Software Design (EASD) aims at making software systems smarter in interactions with their users. The long-term goal is to develop methods and tools for engineering and im- proving such capabilities. In this paper we present the idea of EASD including an abstract model for explanation generation. We describe in detail the realisation of that approach for the semantic search engine KOIOS using Semantic Web technology