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Dr. André Meyer-Vitali

Kontakt +49 681 85775 7241 (Saarbrücken)
Adresse (Saarbrücken) Gebäude D3 2Stuhlsatzenhausweg 366123 Saarbrücken


Alle Publikationen
  1. Modular Design Patterns for Generative Neuro-Symbolic Systems

    Maaike H. T. de Boer; Quirine S. Smit; Michael van Bekkum; André Meyer-Vitali; Thomas Schmid

    In: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Bruno Sartini; LISN Joe Raad; EURECOM Pasquale Lisena; King’s College London Albert Meroño Peñuela; Institute for Artificial Intelligence Michael Beetz; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Inès Blin; Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) Philipp Cimiano; University of Manchester Jacopo de Berardinis; L3S Research Center Simon Gottschalk;…
  2. AI Engineering for Trust by Design

    André Meyer-Vitali

    In: Francisco José Domínguez Mayo; Luís Ferreira Pires; Edwin Seidewitz (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering. Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MBSE-2024), February 21-23, Rome, Italy, Pages 357-364, Vol. 1: MBSE-AI Integration, ISBN 978-989-758-682-8, SciTePress Digital Library, 2/2024.