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Dr.-Ing. Marc Hildebrandt

Organizational unit Robotics Innovation Center
Contact +49 421 17845 4127 (Bremen)

Address (Bremen) Robert-Hooke-Straße 1D-28359 Bremen


All publications


  • EurEx-LUNa

    EurEx - Persistent under-ice navigation

    One important aspect of future missions to ice-covered moons within our solar system is the exploration of the oceans underneath the ice. Based on the exploration concept developed in the…

  • EurEx-SiLaNa

    Europa Explorer 2 SiLaNa
  • Tractebel

    Feasability study about under-water inspection of hydroelectric power plants

    The subject of this project is the creation of a feasibility study about the deployment underwater robots for the inspection of hydraulic turbines.

    To assess their feasibility a visual inspection of…


    Confined Underwater SLAM

    The aim of the CUSLAM project is the development of an algorithm which allows localization and mapping in complex, spatially confined underwater environments. This algorithm enables even small, weakly…