Demokratische Gesellschaften leben von der Pluralität und dem Aushandeln von Meinungen. Daher stellen potentiell vielfaltsverengende Technologien nicht nur eine abstrakte, sondern konkrete Gefahr für…
Adaptive and personalized AI systems in healthcare and well-being rely on information about users and usage situations to provide the best possible support. But, in situations of illness, pain, or…
New regulations in the Medienstaatsvertrag (MStV) present the state media authorities with new, diverse tasks in the area of media intermediaries: These must disclose what happens in the background…
A remaining major challenge with autonomous systems is the handling of situations that the system cannot handle on its own. Up to now, this transfer of control has been considered in isolation. An…
The TRACTAT project aims to lay the foundation for a smooth and effective Transfer of Control (ToC) between autonomous systems and humans in cyber-physical environments.
Autonomous systems, like…