Sie stehen vor einem Werk im Museum. Dazu schießen Ihnen Fragen in den Kopf. Sie tippen sie in Ihr Handy – eine Künstliche Intelligenz gibt direkt die Antwort.…
Trier/Kaiserslautern – How do measures affect pandemic response at the municipal level? - In the AScore project, an expert system is being developed that…
Apart from the commonly used PCR tests for the diagnosis of infections with SARS-CoV-2, the Corona virus can also be detected on computed tomography scans. With…
Kaiserslautern/Darmstadt (Germany), 2021-01-27 | Whether the idiosyncratic HAL 9000 in Odyssey in Space, the discreetly acting “computer” of the Enterprise or…
A vision paper by researchers from the Intelligent Analytics for Mass Data (IAM) research area and the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA)…
The paper "Towards Resilient Data Management for the Internet of Moving Things" written by Elena Beatriz Ouro Paz, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou and Volker Markl was…
The paper "Parallelizing Intra-Window Join on Multicores: An Experimental Study" by Shuhao Zhang, Yancan Mao, Jiong He, Philipp Grulich, Steffen Zeuch,…
Looking back at the end of the German EU Presidency 2020: With the goal to overcome language barriers and make it easier for people to communicate, the EU…
Interview mit DFKI-Forscherin Dr. Sylke Piéch über KI in Arbeits- und Bildungsprozessen und welchen Herausforderungen sich Führungskräfte stellen müssen.
The quality of machine translation has improved significantly in recent years. Translators are increasingly shifting their activities to post-editing of machine…