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Displaying results 11 to 16 of 16.
  1. PRIME – Predictive Rendering in Manifacture and Engineering

    PRIME – Predictive Rendering in Manifacture and Engineering

    The PRIME project stands for Predictive Rendering in Manufacture and Engineering and aims to establish an innovative training network where PhD …

  2. TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    TAILOR – Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

    The TAILOR project was selected by the European Commission in the ICT-48-2020 call for proposals "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence …

  3. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …

  4. MOSAIK – Methodology for self-organized aggregation of interactive components

    MOSAIK – Methodology for self-organized aggregation of interactive components

    The MOSAIK project is inspired by the principle of stigmergy, a form of communication in a decentralised system with a large number of individuals. …

  5. BEinCPPS – Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems

    BEinCPPS – Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems

    BEinCPPS (Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems) Innovation Action aims to integrate and experiment a CPS-oriented Future …

  6. HYSOCIATEA – Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments

    HYSOCIATEA – Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments

    The project HySociaTea (Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments), which is funded by the German Federal …