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Displaying results 161 to 170 of 1057.
  1. PlasticObs_plus – Verbund - KI: PlasticObs_plus - Maschinelles Lernen auf Multisensordaten der flugzeuggestützten Fernerkundung zur Bekämpfung von Plastikmüll in Meeren und Flüssen

    PlasticObs_plus – Verbund - KI: PlasticObs_plus - Maschinelles Lernen auf Multisensordaten der flugzeuggestützten Fernerkundung zur Bekämpfung von Plastikmüll in Meeren und Flüssen

    Airborne monitoring for plastic litter detection represents a modern, universal observation method to address the urgent and rapidly increasing …

  2. TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and …

  3. SDE – Smart Dialogue Engine - AI model for controlling the dialog behavior of digital telephone assistants

    SDE – Smart Dialogue Engine - AI model for controlling the dialog behavior of digital telephone assistants

    The aim of the project is to research an AI model (Smart Dialogue Engine, SDE) that better adapts the dialogue behavior (course, choice of words, …

  4. Q3-UP – Bedarfsorientierte und niederschwellige Qualifikationsbausteine für Quantencomputing und quantenmaschinelles Lernen

    Q3-UP – Bedarfsorientierte und niederschwellige Qualifikationsbausteine für Quantencomputing und quantenmaschinelles Lernen

    Das Vorhaben Q³-UP! beabsichtigt den Fachkräftemangel im Technologiefeld der quanten-basierten Künstlichen Intelligenz, insbesondere dem …

  5. PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    PYSA – Care documentation with a hybrid speech assistant

    Comprehensive and accurate documentation is essential for needs-based care. In many places, the systems and processes used today for care …

  6. ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    ZuSiNa – Better Access and Visibility of Sustainability Information in Online Retail using Artificial Intelligence

    The importance of online retail has been growing for years and has received another boost from the Corona pandemic. At the same time, awareness of …

  7. SC_Gomaa – TeachTAM: Machine Teaching with Hybrid Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning; The Apprenticeship Model

    SC_Gomaa – TeachTAM: Machine Teaching with Hybrid Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning; The Apprenticeship Model

    Recent advances in Machine learning (specifically Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning) allowed robots to understand objects and the surrounding …

  8. NoStrandAMust – NoStrandAMust - Bodenkontaktsimulation zur Verbesserung der Lokomotionsperformance mobiler Roboter

    NoStrandAMust – NoStrandAMust - Bodenkontaktsimulation zur Verbesserung der Lokomotionsperformance mobiler Roboter

    NoStrandAMust is a project with the goal of experimentally investigating the ground interaction of different robots and generating models for the …

  9. FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    FloReST – Urban FloodResilience - Smart Tools

    Partners Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus der Hochschule Koblenz (Konsortialführer), der Universität Trier, der Hochschule Trier mit dem …

  10. DfC-Industry – DfC-Industry - Design for Circularity - Operationalisierung in der industriellen Produktentwicklung

    DfC-Industry – DfC-Industry - Design for Circularity - Operationalisierung in der industriellen Produktentwicklung

    Ziel des Projekts DfC-lndustry ist die Konzeption und Erprobung digitaler Lösungen für den Entwurf ressourceneffizienter industrieller Produkte für …