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Displaying results 861 to 870 of 1079.


    Partners EEAR (; mineway (; e.Consult (; Assoziierte Partner: Zentrale für …

  2. KomParse – Dialoging NPCs in natural game environments

    KomParse – Dialoging NPCs in natural game environments

    This project is supported by the ProFIT programme of the Federal State of Berlin and the EFRE programme of the European Union A central, unsolved …

  3. NetVis – Design and Implementation of new Visualization Metaphors for Planning-, Scheduling-, and Operations-Support

    NetVis – Design and Implementation of new Visualization Metaphors for Planning-, Scheduling-, and Operations-Support

    Planning, scheduling, and operating complex systems is a laborious task. Typically, such systems consist of a number of entities which influence each …

  4. CogX – Cognitive Systems that self-understand and self-extend}

    CogX – Cognitive Systems that self-understand and self-extend}

    This scientific project is concerned with trying to address the second challenge in the ICT part of FP7 on Cognition, Interaction and Robotics. The …

  5. go!CART – Development of aerial robotic systems

    go!CART – Development of aerial robotic systems

    The goal of the initial project go!CART is the preparation of a competence network in the field of civil aerial robots. The field of application for …

  6. AVILUS+ – Angewandte Virtuelle Technologien mit Langfristfokus im Produkt- und Produktionsmittellebenszyklus

    AVILUS+ – Angewandte Virtuelle Technologien mit Langfristfokus im Produkt- und Produktionsmittellebenszyklus

    AVILUSplus is a research and development project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It focuses on long-term technologies …

  7. RobKnowHow – Robotic in SMEs

    RobKnowHow – Robotic in SMEs

    Testing new ways of knowledge transfer to initiate a preventive technology development and human resources development. Partners • Institut für …

  8. VALUE-IT – Adding Value to RTD: Accelerating Take-up of Semantic Technologies for the Enterprise

    VALUE-IT – Adding Value to RTD: Accelerating Take-up of Semantic Technologies for the Enterprise

    VALUE-IT will: provide a vision of the market potential for intelligent information management solutions based on Semantic Technologies for the …

  9. SemProM – Semantic Product Memory

    SemProM – Semantic Product Memory

    The project Semantic Product Memory (SemProM) aims at introducing a digital product memory for everyday items. In this context a mobile dual-arm robot …

  10. Semantic-e-Ink – Semantic-e-Ink