Dynamic network (re-)configuration across time, scope, and structure
Roland Bless; Bastian Bloessl; Matthias Hollick; Marius Corici; Holger Karl; Dennis Krummacker; Daniel Lindenschmitt; Hans Dieter Schotten; Lara Wimmer
In: European Conference on Networks and Communications | 6G Summit. European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 31st European Conference on Networks and Communications, June 7-10, IEEE, 2022.
Today's wired and wireless networks offer data transportation and service delivery over a wide range of locations, devices types, and usage scenarios. While they do adapt to changing situations, they are, at their core, essentially still static. In this paper, we attempt to collect challenges and opportunities to substantially broaden the adaptation options for networks with respect to both data transport and service delivery. We discuss options ranging from device technology to network architectures.