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European Language Technology Landscape: Communication and Collaborations

Georg Rehm; Katrin Marheinecke; Jens Peter Kückens
In: Georg Rehm (Hrsg.). European Language Grid: A Language Technology Platform for Multilingual Europe. Pages 189-204, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-031-17257-1, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 1/2023.


The European Language Technology community is a diverse group of stakeholders that is characterised by severe fragmentation. This chapter provides an overview of the stakeholders that are relevant for the European Language Grid. We also briefly describe our communication channels and strategies with regard to the promotion of ELG. Furthermore, we highlight a few of the current projects and initiatives and their relationship to and relevance for ELG, especially with regard to collaborations. The overall goal of the target group-specific communication strategy we developed is to create more and more uptake of ELG in the European LT community, eventually creating a snowball effect.
