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Recupera-Reha: Exoskeleton Technology with Integrated Biosignal Analysis for Sensorimotor Rehabilitation

Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Niels Will; Marc Simnofske; Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez; Bertold Bongardt; Mario Michael Krell; Shivesh Kumar; Martin Mallwitz; Anett Seeland; Marc Tabie; Hendrik Wöhrle; Mehmed Yüksel; Anke Heß; Rüdiger Buschfort; Frank Kirchner
In: 2. Transdisziplinäre Konferenz "Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen". Transdisziplinäre Konferenz "Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen", December 12-13, Hamburg, Germany, Pages 504-517, Elsevier, 12/2016.


In this paper, the concept of the innovative exoskeleton for stroke rehabilitation of the Recupera-Reha project is presented. By applying innovative electromechanical solutions, advanced control approaches, and by using biosignal data, the system will be well-fitted. Furthermore, it will behave transparently to the user and will support different training modalities. The therapy situation will be supported and exercises in the field of everyday practice in the private or professional environment will be enabled. As an autonomous treatment system, it will give assistance as much as needed and will enable the patient to make therapies across sector borders (rehab-outpatient-work) for the first time.


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