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Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 540
  1. Johannes Bayer; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Christoph Langenhan; Marcus Liwicki; Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Frank Petzold; Andreas Dengel

    Migrating the Classical Pen-and-Paper based Conceptual Sketching of Architecture Plans Towards Computer Tools - Prototype Design and Evaluation

    In: The Eleventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition. IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC-2015), 11th, located …

  2. Svilen Dimitrov; Norbert Schmitz; Didier Stricker

    Standalone Sound-based Mobile Activity Recognition for Ambient Assistance in a Home Environment

    In: European Conference on Ambient Intelligence. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-15), November 11-13, Athens, Greece, Pages 349-352, …

  3. Simon Bergweiler; Matthieu Deru

    Foundations of Semantic Television - Design of a Distributed and Gesture-Based Television System

    In: International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems (IARIA), Vol. 8, No. 1&2, Pages 194-208, Freimut Bodendorf (Hrsg.), 7/2015.

  4. Gesche Joost; Andreas Unteidig

    Design and Social Change: The Changing Environment of a Discipline in Flux

    In: Wolfgang Jonas; Sarah Zerwas; Kristof von Anshelm. Transformation Design: Perspectives on a New Design Attitude. Pages 134-148, ISBN …

  5. Bianca Herlo; Gesche Joost

    Design Research and the Need for Institutional Support in German-Speaking Networks

    In: Bruce Brown; Carl DiSalvo; Dennis P. Doordan; Kipum Lee; Ramia Mazé; Richard Buchanan; Victor Margolin. Design Research in Germany. Pages 32-36, …

  6. Beispiele aus der Praxis: Anwendung partizipativer Methoden im Gesundheitskontext

    In: Anette Weisbecker; Michael Burmester; Albrecht Schmidt (Hrsg.). Mensch und Computer 2015 - Workshopband. Mensch und Computer (MuC-2015), September …

  7. Reality Models for efficient registration in Augmented Reality

    PhD-Thesis, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, ISBN 978-3843920117, Dr. Hut Verlag, 2015.

  8. Sebastian Freith; Glenn Schütze; Carsten Ullrich; Stefan Welling; Dieter Kreimeier; Bernd Kuhlenkötter

    Digitale Lernszenarien zur ganzheitlichen Unterstützung von Mitarbeitern im Arbeitsalltag

    In: Sabine Rathmayer; Hans Pongratz (Hrsg.). Proceedings of DeLFI Workshops 2015. DeLFI Workshops (DeLFI-WS-2015). e-Learning Conference of the German …

  9. Alexis Heloir; Fabrizio Nunnari; Sylvain Haudegond; Clémentine Havrez; Yoann Lebrun; Christophe Kolski

    Design and Evaluation of a Self Adaptive Architecture for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation

    In: M. Habib Fardoun; M. Victor R. Penichet; M. Daniyal Alghazzawi. ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques: Second …

  10. Jan Alexandersson; Ulrich Schäfer; Jochen Britz; Maurice Rekrut; Frederik Arnold; Saskia Reifers

    Kochbot in the Intelligent Kitchen--Speech-enabled Assistance and Cooking Control in a Smart Home

    In: 8. AAL-Kongress. Deutscher AAL-Kongress (AAL), April 29-30, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Pages 396-405, Vol. 8, ISBN 978-3-8007-3901-1, VDE VERLAG …