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Zeige Ergebnisse 71 bis 80 von 182
  1. Jörg Baus; Hubert Zimmer; Harry Speiser; Antonio Krüger

    Critical Features for the Selection of Verbal Descriptions for Path Relations

    In: Cognitive Processing, Vol. 2, Pages 389-411, 2001.

  2. Ralph Schäfer; Liliana Ardissono; Alexander Felfernig; Gerhard Friedrich; Dietmar Jannach; Markus Zanker

    Customer-Adaptive and Distributed Online Product Configuration in the CAWICOMS Project.

    In: Proceedings of IJCAI-01 Workshop on Configuration (held in conjunction with the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial …

  3. Thomas Rist; Patrick Brandmeier

    Customizing Graphics for Tiny Displays of Mobile Devices

    In: 3rd International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices At IHM-HCI 2001. International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction …

  4. Jörg Baus; H Zimmer; H Speiser

    Die Selektion dimensionaler räumlicher Präpositionen automatisch und nicht ressourcenadaptierend

    In: Kognitionswissenschaft, Vol. 9, No. 3, Pages 114-121, Springer, 2001.

  5. Enhancing Embodied Intelligent Agents with Affective User Modelling

    In: J. Vassileva & P. Gmytrasiewicz (Eds.), UM2001, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference.(Doctoral Consortium summary). International …

  6. Elisabeth Andre; Martin Klesen; Patrick Gebhard; Steve Allen; Thomas Rist

    Exploiting Models of Personality and Emotions to Control the Behavior of Animated Interface Agents

    In: Proceedings of the workshop on Achieving Human-Like Behavior in Interactive Animated Agents in conjunction with the Fourth International …

  7. Hans Hagen; Jan Frey; B. Hamann; Boris Jeremic; K. I. Joy; G. Scheuermann

    Visualization of Seismic Soils Structure Simulations

    In: Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, M.H. Hamza (ed.), ACTA Press, Anaheim, 2001,. …

  8. Hans Hagen; Tom Boback; Karim Mahrous; Bernd Hamann; Kenneth Joy; Wolfgang Kollmann; Gerick Scheuermann

    A tetrahedra-based stream surface algorithm

    In: IEEE Visualization 2001 Proceedings, A. Varshney, T. Ertl, K. Joy (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001, 151-158. IEEE …

  9. Hans Hagen; X. Trichoche; G. Scheuermann

    Continuous Topology Simplification of Planar Vector Fields

    In: IEEE Visualization 2001 Procedings, A. Varshney, T. Ertl, K. Joy (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001,. IEEE Visualization …

  10. Hans Hagen; X. Trichoche; G. Scheuermann

    Tensor Topology Tracking: A Visualization Method for Time-Dependent 2D Symmetric Tensor Fields

    In: Eurographics 2001 Proceedings, computer Graphics Forum 20(3), September 2001. Eurographics (EG), Pages 461-470, 2001.