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Zeige Ergebnisse 81 bis 90 von 589
  1. Frank Steinicke; Hrvoje Benko; Florian Daiber; Daniel F. Keefe; Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière

    Touching the 3rd dimension (T3D)

    In: CHI Extended Abstracts. ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI-2011), May 7-12, Vancouver, BC, USA, Pages …

  2. Thierry Declerck; Piroska Lendvai

    Linguistic and Semantic Representation of the Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

    In: Stefan Gradmann; Francesca Borri; Carlo Meghini; Heiko Schuldt (Hrsg.). Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - International …

  3. Nina Dethlefs; Dr. Heriberto Cuayáhuitl

    Combining Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Bayesian Networks for Natural Language Generation in Situated Dialogue

    In: European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG). European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG-2011), 13th, September 28-30, …

  4. Dr. Heriberto Cuayáhuitl; Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová

    Towards Learning Human-Robot Dialogue Policies Combining Speech and Visual Beliefs

    In: Ramón López-Cózar Delgado; Tetsunori Kobayashi (Hrsg.). Proceedings of IWSDS 2011: Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in …

  5. Multilingual Europe: A challenge for language tech

    In: MultiLingual, Vol. 22, No. 3, Pages 51-52, MultiLingual Computing, 4/2011.

  6. Markus Weber; Marcus Liwicki; Yannik T. H. Schelske; Christopher Schoelzel; Florian Strauß; Andreas Dengel

    MCS for Online Mode Detection: Evaluation on Pen-Enabled Multi-Touch Interfaces

    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. International Conference on Document Analysis and …

  7. Christoph Langenhan; Sebastian Haß; Markus Weber; Frank Petzold; Marcus Liwicki; Andreas Dengel

    Investigating research strategies for accessing knowledge stored in semantic models

    In: Proceedings of eCAADe 2011. Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe-2011), September 21-24, Ljubljana, …

  8. Magdalena Wolska; Ulrich Schäfer; The Nghia Pham

    Bootstrapping a Domain-specific Terminological Taxonomy from Scientific Text

    In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence (TIA). International Conference on Terminology and …

  9. Martin Wolpers; Martin Memmel; Katja Niemann; Joris Klerkx; Marcus Specht; Alberto Giretti; Erik Duval

    Aggregating metadata to improve access to resources

    In: Reda Alhajj; James Joshi; Mei-Ling Shyu (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI …