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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 502
  1. Sören Bleikertz; Sven Bugiel; Hugo Ideler; Stefan Nürnberger; Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi

    Client-controlled Cryptography-as-a-Service in the Cloud

    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2013. International Conference on Applied …

  2. Matthias Kreil; Kristof Van Laerhoven; Paul Lukowicz

    Allowing early inspection of activity data from a highly distributed bodynet with a hierarchical-clustering-of-segments approach

    In: Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN-2013), May 6-9, …

  3. Martin Wirz; Tobias Franke; Eve Mitleton-Kelly; Daniel Roggen; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Tröster

    Coenosense: A framework for real-time detection and visualization of collective behaviors in human crowds by tracking mobile devices

    In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012. European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS-2012), Brussels, Belgium, Pages …

  4. Martin Wirz; Eve Mitleton-Kelly; Tobias Franke; Vanessa Camilleri; Matthew Montebello; Daniel Roggen; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Troster

    Using mobile technology and a participatory sensing approach for crowd monitoring and management during large-scale mass gatherings

    In: Eve Mitleton-Kelly (Hrsg.). Co-Evolution of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems: Modelling and Applications in Large Scale Emergency and Transport …

  5. Martin Wirz; Tobias Franke; Daniel Roggen; Eve Mitleton-Kelly; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Tröster

    Probing crowd density through smartphones in city-scale mass gatherings

    In: The European Physical Journal - Data Science (EPJ DS), Vol. 2, Pages 1-24, Springer, Berlin, 6/2013.

  6. Tobias Franke; Paul Lukowicz; Martin Wirz; Eve Mitleton-Kelly

    Participatory sensing and crowd management in public spaces

    In: Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. International Conference on Mobile Systems, …

  7. Henrik Blunck; Niels Olof Bouvin; Tobias Franke; Kaj Grønbæk; Mikkel B Kjaergaard; Paul Lukowicz; Markus Wüstenberg

    On heterogeneity in mobile sensing applications aiming at representative data collection

    In: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …

  8. Josef Neuburger; Christopher Lammel; Agnes Grünerbl; M Brecht; V Grosse; K Hager; Michael Marschollek; Paul Lukowicz

    Neue Möglichkeiten der Sturzrisikoerfassung

    In: Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik . Deutscher AAL-Kongress (AAL-13), January 22-23, Berlin, VDE VERLAG GmbH, 2013.

  9. Eve Mitleton-Kelly; Paul Lukowicz

    Introduction: The SOCIONICAL FP7 Project and an Outline of the Volume

    In: Eve Mitleton-Kelly (Hrsg.). Co-Evolution of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems: Modelling and Applications in Large Scale Emergency and Transport …

  10. Daniel Roggen; Paul Lukowicz; Lois Ferscha; José del R. Millán; Gerhard Tröster; Ricardo Chavarriaga

    Opportunistic human activity and context recognition

    In: IEEE Computer, Vol. 46, No. 2, Pages 36-45, IEEE, 2013.