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Thierry Declerck; Kerstin Eckart; Piroska Lendvai Laurent Romary; Thomas Zastrow
In: Gerhard Budin; Thierry Declerck; Laurent Romary; Peter Wittenburg (Hrsg.). LREC10-W4 - Language Resource and Language Technology Standards - state …
Goce Trajcevski; Oliviu Ghica; Peter Scheuermann; Marco Zuniga; Rene Schubotz; Manfred Hauswirth
In: Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), 2010 IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference, Pages 1-5, IEEE, 2010.
Tobias Kowatsch; Wolfgang Maaß
In: 18th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2010, Pretoria, South Africa, June 7-9, 2010. European Conference on Information Systems …
In: Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 26, No. 4, Pages 697-704, Elsevier, 2010.
Wolfgang Maaß; Andreas Filler
In: Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 19-21, 2010. International Conference on …
Jonas S. Almeida; Helena F. Deus; Wolfgang Maaß
In: BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 11, Pages 387-397, BioMed Central, 2010.
Wolfgang Maaß
In: Stefan Selke; Ullrich Dittler (Hrsg.). Postmediale Wirklichkeiten aus interdiszipliniärer Perspektive. Pages 49-59, Heise, 2010.
Sorin M. Grigorescu; Saravana K. Natarajan; Dennis Mronga; Axel Gräser
In: 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …
Gesche Joost; Ulrike Gollner; Fabian Hemmert; Matthias Löwe; Anne Wohlauf
Gesche Joost; Fabian Hemmert; Susann Hamann; Matthias Löwe; Josefine Zeipelt