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Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Martin

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Dima Panfilenko; Christian Seel; Andreas Martin

In: Darshana Sedera; Norbert Gronau; Mary Sumner (Hrsg.). Enterprise Systems. Strategic, Organizational, and Technological Dimensions. Pages 138-153, LNBIP, Vol. 198, ISBN 978-3-319-17586-7, Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Zur Publikation

Dima Panfilenko; Christian Seel; Andreas Martin; Peter Loos

In: Pre-ICIS 2010 Workshop on Enterprise Systems Research. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS-10), Information Technology: Gateway to the Future, December 12-15, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pre-ICIS, 2010.

Zur Publikation

Andreas Martin; Christian Seel; Sheridan Jeary; Melanie Coles; John Mathenge Kanyaru; Keith Phalp

In: Jan Han; Pavla Holejsovska (Hrsg.). Mitip 2008 - 10th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP-2008), November 12-14, Prag, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-7043-738-4, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, 11/2008.

Zur Publikation


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