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Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Data Science und ihre Anwendungen

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer

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Adresse (Kaiserslautern) Trippstadter Straße 122D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer


Oliver Zielinski; Christiane Plociennik; Sebastian Vollmer

In: Nachhaltige Industrie, Vol. 4, Pages 1-7, Springer, Wiesbaden, 4/2022.

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  • Since 2021
    Professor for Application of Machine Learning at University Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
  • Since 2021
    Senior Researcher DFKI – Research Department Leader from 1.11
  • Since 2016
    University of Warwick
    Associate Professor at the Mathematics Institute and the Department of Statistics (tenured)
    setting research agendas, and delivering courses, staying across current academic research in data and statistics and supervising PhD and MSc students.
  • 2016-2021
    Alan Turing Institute

    1. Director for Data Study Groups since August 2017
    2. Lead for the Data Science for Social Good initiative since September 2018
    Co-Director for the Health & Medical Sciences Programme from August 2018
  • 2017-2018
    Public International Limited

    Senior Consultant helping start-ups to transform the public sector
    As part of this role, I advised the data strategy and technical questions for start-ups including Cera Care, Fly Notes and Rota Geek. Additionally, we delivered a training programme to CQC to upskill their staff on machine learning.
  • 2014-2016
    University of Oxford

    Departmental Lecturer at the Department of Statistics
    Junior Research Fellow Somerville College
  • 2013-2014
    University of Oxford

    Postdoc with Professor Arnaud Doucet and Professor Yee Whye Teh on Bayesian Inference for Big Data with Stochastic Gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo


  • 2010-2013
    PhD in mathematics, University of Warwick

    ERC-studentship under the supervision of Professor Andrew Stuart and Professor Martin Hairer
    Title of PhD-thesis: “Consistent and Efficient Inference for Complex Models”
  • 2009-2010
    MSc in mathematics with distinction, University of Warwick

    due to excellent performance at undergraduate level at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany - no BSc required
  • 2014 Faculty prize of the University of Warwick for the best PhD thesis in mathematics
  • 2009-13 Scholarship of the German Academy Foundation
  • 2009 3rd prize at the International Mathematics Competition at university level in Bulgaria
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    Zeit- und ortabhängige Modelle für das individuelle und gesellschaftliche Wohlbefinden

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