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Dr.-Ing. Daniel Kühn

Organizational unit Robotics Innovation Center
Contact +49 421 17845 4109 (Bremen)

Address (Bremen) Robert-Hooke-Straße 1D-28359 Bremen


All publications


  • RoX

    Verbundprojekt: Digitales Ökosystem für Kl-basierte Robotik (RoX) - Teilvorhaben: Nutzung von Kl-Methoden zur Optimierung von robotischen Fähigkeiten

    In September 2024, the joint project "RoX," funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), officially started. The goal of the project is to establish a digital…

  • RIG

    Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, national joint project of robotics research in Germany, coordinated by TU Munich

    The Robotics Institute Germany is an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and…

  • Robdekon2

    Robdekon Kompetenzzentrum Phase 2

    Roboter und Menschen sollen gemeinsam in Rückbau- oder Dekontaminationsvorgängen industrieller Anlagen eingesetzt werden


    Fraunhofer IOSB, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), FZI…


    CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    CALAHARI is a vision for a robot-assisted, semi-autonomous timber harvesting process. The synthesis of the requirements analysis for successful implementation in the forestry industry and the…

  • RIMA

    RIMA - Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance

    Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) represents a huge economic activity (450 Bn Euro market) spanning across sectors

    such as energy, transport, civil engineering. EU hosts over 50% of I&M robotics offer…

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