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Displaying results 281 to 290 of 1077.
  1. DeeperSense – Deep-Learning for Multimodal Sensor Fusion

    DeeperSense – Deep-Learning for Multimodal Sensor Fusion

    The main objective of DeeperSense is to significantly improve the capabilities for environment perception of service robots to improve their …

  2. openSCENE – Procedural Reality Capture for the Generation of Critical Scenarios in the Context of Autonomous Vehicle Evaluation and Certification

    openSCENE – Procedural Reality Capture for the Generation of Critical Scenarios in the Context of Autonomous Vehicle Evaluation and Certification

    The goal of the openSCENE project is in the area of generating critical scenarios for the subsequent evaluation and certification of autonomous …

  3. CanvAAS 2 – Connected Assets iNteroperability framework Via AAS

    CanvAAS 2 – Connected Assets iNteroperability framework Via AAS

    CanvAAS 2 ist ein erweitertes Projekt von CanvAAS. CanvAAS 2 soll die bereits entwickelte CanvAAS API im Bezug ihren Synchronisationsmechanismus …

  4. PHYSICS – Optimized hybrid space-time service continuum in FAAS

    PHYSICS – Optimized hybrid space-time service continuum in FAAS

    PHYSICS’s vision is to address the aforementioned challenges and empower application developers, platform owners and infrastructure providers (e.g. …

  5. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …

  6. PANQURA – KI-Technologien für die personalisierte Kuratierung von Online-Beiträgen zur Gewährleistung von Informationstransparenz in Krise

    PANQURA – KI-Technologien für die personalisierte Kuratierung von Online-Beiträgen zur Gewährleistung von Informationstransparenz in Krise

    The project PANQURA develops a platform that enables information transparency for end-users in times of crisis such as, e.g., a global pandemic.

  7. ELE – European Language Equality

    ELE – European Language Equality

    Twenty-four official languages and more than 60 regional and minority languages constitute the fabric of the EU’s linguistic landscape. However, …

  8. I-Nergy – Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Energy

    I-Nergy – Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Energy

    AI spreading in the energy sector is expected to dramatically reshape energy value chain in the next years, by improving business processes …

  9. AScore – AScore

    AScore – AScore

    Political decisions on measures to contain a pandemic must be made promptly and under great uncertainty. Even though the federal and state governments …

  10. PERIOD (OG12) – PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration (Operational Grant 12)

    PERIOD (OG12) – PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration (Operational Grant 12)

    Since the launch of the first artificial satellite, the very nature of spaceflight has heavily constrained every space mission in terms of mass, …