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Point-Based Weakly Supervised 2.5D Cell Segmentation

Fabian Schmeisser; Andreas Dengel; Sheraz Ahmed
In: Michael Wand; Kristina Malinovska; Jürgen Schmidhuber; Igor V. Tetko (Hrsg.). 33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks Lugano, Switzerland, September 17–20, 2024 Proceedings, Part VIII. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-2024), Springer, 2024.


Volumetric microscopic images show cells in their natural state and solve various problems inherent to 2D projections. The develop- ment of competent Deep Learning methods to segment cells in 3D images is, however, held back by the extremely time-consuming and error-prone process of manual ground truth creation. To reduce the burden of manual annotation in 3D, we propose a weakly supervised 2.5D cell segmenta- tion approach that learns to accurately predict 3D segmentation masks from weak, slice-wise point labels. We show that even a single point per cell as ground truth label is sufficient to train a network on par with a fully supervised model that outperforms a top contender of the ISBI Cell Tracking Challenge, and with performance close to that of a fully 3D approach while requiring only a fraction of the resources. The slice-wise, point-based annotation scheme, not only reduces the time required to annotate 3D cell datasets by an estimated factor of 6, but also simplifies the complex and error-prone process of manually segmenting cells using 3D software.


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