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Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 370
  1. Enriching input in Statistical Machine Translation

    Mastersthesis, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 8/2007.

  2. Modelling Personality in Voices of Talking Products Through Prosodic Parameters

    In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-07), …

  3. Miaosen Shen; Stefan Hodek; Pang Z. Peng (Hrsg.)

    Control of the Z-Source Inverter for FCHEV with the Battery Connected to the Motor Neutral Point

    Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC-2007), June 17-21, Orlando, Floriada, USA, IEEE, 2007.

  4. Peter Loos; Pavlina Chikova; Björn Simon

    Potential Process Improvements in Supply Chain Management through RFID

    In: T. Blecker; G. Huang. Handbook of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Research and …

  5. Peter Loos; Gunnar Martin; Christian Seel; Timo Kahl

    Forschungstransfer und Nachhaltigkeit durch IT-Beratung

    In: V. Nissen. Consulting Research - Unternehmensberatung aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Pages 315-333, ISBN 978-3-8350-0389-7, Gabler Verlag, …

  6. Peter Loos; Dominik Vanderhaeghen

    Anforderungen an das Management kollaborativer Geschäftsprozesse

    In: Peter Loos; Dominik Vanderhaeghen. Kollaboratives Prozessmanagement - Unterstützung kooperations- und koordinationsintensiver Geschäftrpozesse am …

  7. Peter Loos; Dominik Vanderhaeghen; Thomas Theling

    Die Architektur Kollaborativer Szenarien

    In: Peter Loos; Dominik Vanderhaeghen. Kollaboratives Prozessmanagement. Pages 3-13, Wirtschaftsinformatik - Theorie und Anwendung, Vol. 10, ISBN …

  8. Thomas Kleinbauer; Stephanie Becker; Tilman Becker

    Indicative Abstractive Summaries of Meetings

    In: Proceedings of 4th Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and …

  9. Thomas Kleinbauer; Stephanie Becker; Tilman Becker

    Combining Multiple Information Layers for the Automatic Generation of Indicative Meeting Abstracts

    In: Proceedings of 11th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation. European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG-07), 11th, June …

  10. Jan Alexandersson; Tillmann Becker

    Efficient Computation of Overlay for Multiple Inheritance Hierachies in Discourse Modeling

    In: Harry Bunt; Reinhard Muskens. Computing Meaning. Pages 423-455, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol. 3, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2007.