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Ilira Troshani, M.Sc.

Adresse (Oldenburg) Technologie- und Gründerzentrum OldenburgMarie-Curie-Str. 1D-26129 Oldenburg


Ilira Troshani; Thiago Gouvea; Daniel Sonntag

In: CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI Workshop on Sustaining Scalable Sustainability, Human-Centered Green Technology for Community-wide Carbon Reduction, located at ACM CHI 2024, May 11, Honolulu, HI, USA, ISBN 979-8-4007-0331-7, ACM, New York, USA, 5/2024.

Zur Publikation

Ilira Troshani; Thiago Gouvea; Daniel Sonntag

In: 3rd Annual AAAI Workshop on AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering. AAAI Workshop on AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering (AI2ASE-2024), located at AAAI, February 26, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2024.

Zur Publikation

Ilira Troshani; Thiago Gouvea; Daniel Sonntag

In: KI 2024: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2024), 47th German Conference on AI, Würzburg, Germany, September 25–27, 2023, located at 47th German Conference on AI, September 25-27, Würzburg, Germany, LNAI, Springer, 2024.

Zur Publikation